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Plumber In Martinez 24/7
Plumber in Martinez, CA
Address: Noinfo, Martinez, CA 94523 Email: admin@plumberinmartinez247.com
Phone: (925) 304-4507
Plumber in Martinez, CA
Address: Noinfo, Martinez, CA 94523 Email: admin@plumberinmartinez247.com
Phone: (925) 304-4507
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Kristine Lyons: "Had a very good time getting plumbing service by this company. They came super rapid to our apartment and took care of our problem very fast. The best company in the neighborhood." 5 out of 5 stars
Reva Velazquez: "I cannot say enough on how experienced as well as friendly the plumbers were. They explained every inquiry me and my partner had apropos the situation and did a exceptional job on our toilet." 5 out of 5 stars
Latasha Duncan: "I am pleased to express my thanks to your people for the work they carried out in my residence. As technicians came in they started to calm me down, as I was very uneasy as my basin was overflowing and my bathroom flooded. I was so relieved when the team accomplished the work and when I saw my bathroom all in good shape again." 5 out of 5 stars